The First Five Asbaqs (‘Lataifs’: Subtleties of Spiritual Ascension, Zikr e Allah) of Silsila Naqshbandia Mujaddidiya.
Although Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) was a Sheikh of all Silsilas and had the ‘ijaza’ (permission) to give salooks and asbaqs of all the major ‘silsilas’ and their respective branches, he entered his disciples in all Silsilas but he usually gave the asbaqs (lessons) of Naqshbandi Mujaddidiya to his disciples. He, in the early asbaqs, taught the way of silent meditation only in thought, the recitation of the Supreme name of Allah “Allah” by concentrating first on five points of Lataifs. He gave these first five ‘asbaqs’ in the following order:
1) Latifah e Qalb is on the left side in the chest. The colour of its Noor is golden. It is under Hazrat Adam (A.S)
2) Latifah e Ruh is on the right side of the chest. The colour of its Noor is red. It is under Hazrat Nuh (A.S) and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
3) Latifah e Sirr is on the left side of the chest, to the right of Latifah e Qalb, slightly more (almost two fingers) towards the centre of the chest. The colour of its Noor is white. It is under Hazrat Isa (A.S)
4) Latifah e Khafi is on the right side of the chest, to the left of Latifah Ruh, slightly more (almost two fingers) towards the centre of the chest. The colour of its Noor is black. It is under Hazrat Moosa (A.S)
5) Latifah e Akhfa is in the centre of the chest, above all other ‘lataifs’. The colour of its Noor is green. It is under Prophet Muhmmad (PBUH).
The diagrammatic representation of first five Asbaqs (lessons) is a rough estimation of their positions drawn by Hazrat Sheikh’s (RT) disciples in accordance with a letter about Asbaqas and Salooks in Hazrat Sheikh’s (RT) own handwriting and audios in Hazrat Sheikh’s (RT) own voice on the web site.(However it is advised that these Asbaqs should only be taken through a proper channel associated with a Kamil Sheikh (Spiritual guide).
44 The Five Latifas of the Alam Al Amr, The first five asbaqs of Silsila Naqshbandia Mujaddidiya as given by Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)

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