40 Hazrat Sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) on Zikr-e-Allah (URDU version)

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) explaining the importance of Zikr-e-Allah.

39 Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) explaining the importance of Waseela (intermediary)

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) explaining the importance of Waseela and sincerity and khaloos while making dua.

37 A Conversation between Hazrat sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) and King Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia about Aulias (Friends of ) Allah Taala in the Ummah (followers) of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) (English Translation)

English translation of the conversation between Hazrat Syed MAnzoor Hussain RT and King Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia about Aulia Allah.

36 A Conversation between Hazrat sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) and King Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia about Aulias (Friends of ) Allah Taala in the Ummah (followers) of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) (URDU Version)

35 Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RT advising his disciples to use proper words while giving any offering to avoid misunderstanding

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RT explaining to his disciples why its imperative to use proper words while giving any offering to avoid misunderstandings from arising.

English Translation in the post: