47 Following the Shariat Tradition of The Prophet PBUH-by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

47 Following the Shariat Tradition of The Prophet PBUH-by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

Remastered, background noise reduced.

This is a talk given by Sartaj ul Awlia Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Sayyidna wa Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani Sahib RT. on the following of the Shariat tradition of The Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.

The following is a transcript of the talk:

(May Allah forgive the transcriber if there may be any mistakes in the transcription. Ameen).

Hazrat Sheikh is saying;

And then she sees, or he sees, from up to sky, and into the hearts of the people, and so many other things which I cannot tell you. With all those it is necessary that the more he sees, the more he thinks that he’s nothing. He’s only an ordinary creature and he has been created for worshiping of Allah Subhana hu Ta’aala, and he’s bound and he’s ordered by Allah Subhana hu Ta’aala that he should follow the orders of The Prophet, and nothing more than that. If it only that he wants that he should be saved from the fire of Jahanam, it is the tradition of The Prophet that he should follow. If he wants that he should enter Janath, Bahisht, Paradise, it is only the following of the tradition of The Prophet that he can do so. If he wants that he may reach Allah Subhana hu Ta’aala and he may reach the meetings The Prophet Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam, even then it is only the following of tradition of Nabi Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam that he can do it, do it. And this Zikr and Fikr and this Bayath, entering into the Tareeqa, is only for this that we can perfectly follow the tradition of The Prophet Salalahu Alayhi wa Salam. Have you followed this?

What we want, that this entering into the Tareeqa and the, all these things mean that we should be able to follow the tradition of The Prophet properly. Without there is nothing in the world, else that we have been ordered to follow, except in that. All other things, however high they may be, however glorious and luminous they may appear to us, and in reality also they may be so, but they are all for this that we should follow the tradition of The Prophet and we may have husan al khitaam, it means that we may die as we are, and nothing more than that.

Therefore, anybody who instead of following this way, that this Tareeqa is for the perfection of tradition. Because you think that there is nobody like them in the world, and his heart is making “Allah Allah” and his heart is enlightened and he sees this and that, no. He should remember this forever so that may God forbid you may not loose whatever is in your (3:20 ?????) learn and earn here, in the company of good people.

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