Hazrat Manzoor Hussain, The Man And His Mission, A Brief Introduction.

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT): A Brief Introduction

This is only a preliminary introduction about the spiritual guide Sheikh ul Mashaikh Sartaj ul Awlia al Kamileen Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT). It is impossible to conceive his actual spiritual stations or ‘darjaat’. Only basic information is stated here as no words can do justice to his real spiritual ranks of ascension.

Date of Birth:Sunday, December 31, 1899 CE (27 Shaban, 1317 Hijri).
Date of ‘Wisaal’ (Passing):Friday, April 15, 1988 CE (27 Shaban, 1408 Hijri).
Place of Birth:Kot Diji, State of Khairpur (Mir’s), British India, (Sindh, Pakistan).
Date of Hijrat from The State of Khairpur (Mir’s) (Pakistan) to Madinah Al Munawara (KSA):1938 CE (1356/57 Hijri).
Place of ‘Wisaal’ (Passing):Karachi, Pakistan.
Burial Site:Jannat-ul-Baqi, Madinah Sharif, Saudi Arabia.
Name of Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)’s Sheikh:Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT) (Qibla Pir Sain Rampuri).
Burial Site of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Muhammad  Mujtaba Khan (RT)/‘Mazaar Mubarak’ (Shrine):Khairpur Mir’s, Sindh, Pakistan.
Reason for Eminence:Spiritual Teacher, Sheikh and Murshid (Ascended Grand High Master) of all Sufi Tareeqas (ways of Spiritual Ascension) including the Naqshbandi, Qadri, Chishti and Soharwardi Silsilas (Orders).
Brief Info Table

Sheikh ul Mashaikh Sartaj ul Awlia al Kamileen Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) is one of the greatest Sufi Saints of all times, in fact a unique one. He was a descendent of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the first Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr As Siddique (RT), both through Hazrat Imam Jaffar Al Sadiq (SA) and his son Sayyidna Ali Uraiz (SA). Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) had the ‘ijaza’ (permission) to enter people in all ‘silsilas’ (chains) of Tareeqas including: The Aaliya, Naqshbandiya, Mujadadiya, Owaysiya, Qadriya, Chishtiya, Soharwardiya, Qalandariya, Madariya, Shadhiliya, Kubrawiya and all other Silsilas and their respective branches.

He had the authority to give and complete the lessons ‘asbaqs’ (salooks) of all those different silsilas and he gave and completed these lessons ‘asbaqs’ (or salooks) to his different disciples (mureeds).

However, the colour of the Naqshbandi sisila is predominant in his teachings, because of the absolute emphasis on the following of the Shariat Mubarak of Rasool Allah (ﷺ) in this particular silsila. Moreover, the ‘Khafi qalb zikr’ (the Silent Meditation through the Heart), of Allah in the Naqshbandi silsila is done in a discreet manner, and therefore is the need of the century. Many Sufi saints of the Naqshbandi order associate Hazrat Imam Mehdi (AS) with the Naqshbandi silsila.

According to the Saudi Arabian passport of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT), his date of birth is Sunday, December 31, 1899 CE (27 Shaban, 1317 Hijri).

He was born in the prehistoric city of Kot Diji, whose history goes back 5,500 years to the beginning of the Bronze Age, in the Princely State of Khairpur, in the British Indian Imperial Empire, also known as Khairpur Mir’s (The Khairpur of the Kings), now in modern day Sindh Province, in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The date of his ‘wisaal’ (passing) is Friday, April 15, 1988 CE (27 Shaban, 1408 Hijri). Hazrat Sheikh (RT)’s place of ‘wisaal’ (passing) was Karachi, Pakistan. The Government of Saudi Arabia, under King Fahd, made special arrangements to bring him to Madinah Sharif. The burial ceremony and prayers (‘namaz-e-janaza’) were held in the Prophet (ﷺ)’s Mosque in Madinah Munawara. He is buried a few paces away from the holy graves of the Ahle-Bait-e-Athar of The Prophet (ﷺ) in Jannat-ul-Baqi, Madinah Al Munawara, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Sheikh and spiritual guide of Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) was Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT), famously known as Hazrat Qibla Pir Sain Rampuri (RT). The spiritual ranks and states of Hazrat Qibla Pir Sain (RT) are beyond all comprehension. The holy shrine (Mazar Mubarak) of Grand Sheikh Hazrat Syed Haji Maulana Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT) is in Saeda Goth, Khairpur Mir’s, Sindh, Pakistan.

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)’s father’s name was Pir Buksh and his mother’s name was Bakhtawar. He was the eldest of 6 children, having 2 sisters and 3 brothers. The early years of Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) were spent in The State of Khairpur in British India, of which his father was the State Treasurer (Minister of finance). As a child he was virtually adopted by and became a foster son of one of the Princesses of the State and he often spent time in Faiz Mahal , playing with the little Princes and Princesses. Faiz Mahal was the historical Palace of the famous Indian Subcontinent’s Sohrabani branch of the Talpur Dynasty Monarchs, in Khairpur city.

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain was a very gentle and warmhearted child and a favorite amongst the Talpur Royal Family members including the ruler of The Semi-autonomous domain and Princely State of Khaipur, Mir Sir Faiz Muhammad Murad Khan Talpur I.

He received his religious education from Akhand Fazal Allah who belonged to the prominent Qureshi family of Khairpur and received his secular education at Anglo Vernacular High School, later called Naz High School, Khairpur. Subsequently the Ruler Mir Ali Nawaz Khan Naz Talpur wanted to send him to England for higher education under his patronage but Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) declined the offer due to religious differences with the Mir and various other reasons.

After completing his education Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) joined the British Indian Imperial Civil Service, which was a very prestigious profession at the time. He worked as Superintendent in charge of the boy’s boarding section of the same school he had attended earlier. He was fluent in multiple languages including English, Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Sindhi. Due to his highly dynamic skills as a teacher and administrator he also taught English, Arabic and Persian along with being a football coach and in charge of the boy scouts. In his youth he became well-known for his philanthropy when he started spending his salary and income on the needs of the less fortunate members of society in Khairpur and Kot Diji, a practice that he continued throughout his life wherever he lived.

Although, Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) had not met his Sheikh, yet he met him spiritually in his dreams. He was also having ziarats of The Holy Prophet (ﷺ), other Prophets (ASA), The Ahl al Bait (SAA), The Khulafa ar Rashideen and the Sahaba (RTA), since his early youth. When he was still a young man in the 1920s CE (1340s Hijri), he was ordained to meet his Sheikh in person. Therefore, he went to The Princely State of Rampur, in British India, where his Sheikh, Hazrat Syed Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT) resided, who was a descendant of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). He was a member of one of Rampur State’s important and influential Khan Families. His father Abdullah Khan was a Minister and held a very important portfolio in the Government of the State of Rampur.

In Rampur, Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) miraculously found his Sheikh, who was already waiting for him and immediately took him in baiyt. The love and bond between both of them was so strong that Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT) left his city and State of birth and came to Khairpur Sharif with Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT). Hazrat Syed Haji Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT) lived with Hazrat Sheikh (RT) in his house for approximately 8 to 10 years until his ‘wisaal’ (passing) at the age of nearly 130 years, on Sunday, December 20, 1936 CE (5 Shawwal 1355 Hijri).

At the time of the ‘wisaal mubarak’ of his Sheikh and later, Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) was awarded the rank of ‘Qayyumiat’ and he ascended to much higher states including the state of ‘Fardiyat’. It is important to mention that, Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) often reiterated that all that he received by Allah’s ‘fazal’ (Bounty) and the Prophet (ﷺ)’s ‘nazar’ (favour) was because of his Sheikh’s ‘faiz’ (blessings). He stressed that the spiritual height of ascension of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Mohammed Mujtaba Khan RT can neither be described nor can it be perceived.

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) had to face many difficulties in his home town because of his spiritual mission. In 1938 CE (1356/57 Hijri), by divine decree he migrated to Madinah Sharif (KSA).

In Madinah Sharif he resided in the house of the daughters of The Holy Prophet (ﷺ),  Hazrat Bibi Sayidaty Ruqayya and Hazrat Bibi Sayidaty Umm e Qulsum (SAA) and Hazrat Usman Ghani (RT) for more than 10 years in the 1940s/50s CE (1360s/70s Hijri). It is the same house in which the third Caliph and son in law of The Prophet (ﷺ), Hazrat Usman Bin Affan (RT) lived and embraced Shahadat (Martyrdom). This house was situated at a distance of only a few feet away from the door of the Roza Mubarak and resting place of The Prophet (ﷺ).

Although Hazrat Sheikh (RT) also had a house in the Holy city of Makkah (KSA) and used to spend time there, but for the most part of his life he lived in the Holy city of Madinah, which was fifty years.

Hazrat Sheikh (RT) and his wife Hazrat Bibi Safiya Sahiba (Umme Jaan) (RT) became famous for their caregiving to the less fortunate visiting pilgrims to the Holy sites.

Hazrat Sheikh (RT) got married in his youth. The name of his first wife was Hazrat Bibi Hurmat Sahiba (RT) who passed away during childbirth in 1937 CE (1355/56 Hijri). She is buried at the ‘Mazar Mubarak’ (shrine) of Hazrat Qibla Sheikh Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RT), in Khairpur, Sindh.

Many years (nearly 10) after the passing of his first wife, he got married to Hazrat Bibi Safiya Sahiba (RT) in Madinah Sharif in the late 1940s CE (1360s Hijri).

Hazrat Bibi Safiya Sahiba (RT) belonged to an influential and prominent family from Afghanistan. He had two sons and six daughters from his second wife. Both of his wives had high spiritual ranks, achieved under the spiritual guidance of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT).

Both Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT) and his Sheikh Hazrat Syed Muhammad Mujtaba Khan Qibla Pir Sain (RT) gave up their privileged lifestyles that they had inherited due to their family backgrounds, in favor of very simple and humble lifestyles and often faced extreme hardships throughout their lives.

As part of his spiritual mission, Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) travelled to different countries of the world. He introduced and entered people into Tareeqa Mubrarak in various parts of the world like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean Islands of Trinidad & Tobago (West Indies) and so on.

At present, his disciples are spread all over the world and reside in KSA, Pakistan, Bangladesh, UAE, West Indies, USA, UK, Holland, Australia, Canada, and in many other countries.

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) had disciples from all stations of life. They ranged from the general public including the simplest and humblest members of society, to those enjoying the most influential ranks and governmental positions including Members of Parliament, Ministers, Governors, Generals, Judges and Civil Servants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and so forth.

However, Hazrat Sheikh (RT) gave equal importance and attention to all of them and did not discriminate between them, irrespective of their gender, social status or ethnicity. He showered his love upon all those who sought his spiritual guidance. Many Heads of State and dignitaries during Hazrat Sheikh (RT)’s time including Pakistan’s President and Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and President General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq along with Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud held him in high esteem and had the deepest reverence and regard for him.

Prime Minister Z.A. Bhutto and King Faisal, including many Ministers and Governors of Pakistan and KSA often sought Hazrat Sheikh (RT)’s advice and guidance in significant religious and crucial affairs of State. The issue of ‘Khatme Nabuwat’ (Finality of Prophethood) was taken up and resolved by Z.A. Bhutto under the advice and guidance of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT).

The spiritual ranks, status, ‘barakat’, or ‘karamat’ (miracles) of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) are beyond the scope of conception. He was the Sheikh of Tareeqat, Shariat, Marifat and the apprehender of the highest secrets of Haqeeqat (Reality). He was and is the Sheikh (Spiritual Guide) of Qayyums, Aghwas, Aqtabs, Abdals… and of females and males of other high spiritual ranks.

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) in his teachings emphasized on the following of the ‘Shariat Mubarak’ and Sunnah, (the way and example) of The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) along with the importance of ‘Tareeqat’. He set an example with his own personality.

The most significant feature of Hazrat Sheikh (RT)’s personality was the absolute adherence to the ‘Shariat Mubarak’, complemented with profound comprehension of ‘Tareeqat’ (spirituality). Despite his unfathomable spiritual stations, his ingrained extreme humility defies all description in words.

His charismatic disposition was due to the absolute adherence to the Shariat Mubarak, his love and compassion for all, wisdom, extreme humility and multiple other qualities. The unique blend of infinite wisdom and pure innocence, awesome demeanor and utmost humility makes Hazrat Sheikh (RT)’s personality a living miracle.

In conclusion, Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT) believed in and propagated to all and sundry that the sole purpose of life is to drown oneself in the extreme love of The Creator of all existence, Allah Subhana hu Ta’aala (God The Almighty). This concept was manifested in his life by Hazrat Sheikh (RT)’s extreme devotion, sincere and absolute obedience to Allah (SWT).

(We are grateful to Allah (TT) and humbly beseech Him, in His Infinite Mercy to forgive any inadvertent shortfalls or errors that may have occurred. Ameen).

3 Replies to “Hazrat Manzoor Hussain, The Man And His Mission, A Brief Introduction.”

  1. Beautifully narrated facts about our beloved Shaikh and our Grand Shaikh may Allah be pleased with them both in the true World.

    One can not make those experience, how it felt, while in his presence, who have not met our Shaikh in their lives. It was the pure beauty and love ( inside & out) that our Shaikh was made of.

    I wish I could be able to transfer that taste of ecstasy to those who have never met him.

    He was a rare Gem that is extinct in this time and age.

    May Allah Pak lift the curtains and break our long and painful longing to see his only one glimpse!
    Give us his beautiful Ziarat!

    1. R Sheikh was the greatest blessing of Allah swt after choosing us as an ummati of Holy Prophet pbuh only those who had the honor of experiencing the amazing beauty of Harate Sheikh company can understand this he is ritely described as the most unique combination of extreme innocence and infinite wisdom

  2. Rukhsana hameed

    Allham dullah, overwhelmed by the narration of Hazrat sahibs life. It will take some time to absorb but melts the heart with love.
    I also want to add , as a karamat of our Hazrat sahib was that he use to know the inner thoughts of people without verbal communication. Even today I felt the same. He answering me, unfolding the quaries inside me.
    May we always be attached to him.
    Mubarak to all for being able to read Hazrat sahibs life


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