02 Salooks and Asbaqs in Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)’s writing

Different basic Salooks and Asbaqs (lessons) only until Wilayat e Sughra (the minor Sainthood) of the Tareeqa Aliya Naqshbandia Mujadadiya Sufi Order explained in detail by Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT) in his own hand-writing in 13 pages.

3 Replies to “02 Salooks and Asbaqs in Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)’s writing”

  1. Robina (khadija) mahmud

    One out of many treasures Hazrate Shiekh Syed Manzoor Hussain RT explained to his disciples

  2. One out of many treasures Hazrat e Shiekh Syed Manzoor Hussain RT expained to his disciples

  3. Subhan Allah. Although a drop out of our Hazrat Syed Sheikh Manzoor Hussain’s rt immense ocean of knowledge but is still a pearl to cherish and that too in his own handwriting masha Allah


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