23 Hazrat Manzoor Hussain RT taking Baith and Entering disciples into the Silsila

23 Hazrat Manzoor Hussain RT taking Baith-Entering disciples into the Silsila

Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain RT taking Baith and Entering disciples Mureeds into the Silsila.

The following is a transcript of the audio:

(May Allah forgive the transcribers if there may be any mistakes in the transcription. Ameen).

Brothers, now, you, you take hold of this if you want to enter the Tareeqat, and I will few words, few words, whatever I tell you, you go on saying, in English.




Allah’humma salle ala’a Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala’a a’ale Sayyidininaa Muhammad wa baarik wasallim

Astaghfirullah’a Rabbi min kulli zhambin’wa’atubu ilaihe

Astaghfirullah’a Rabbi min kulli zhambin’wa’atubu ilaihe

Astaghfirullah’a Rabbi min kulli zhambin’wa’atubu ilaihe

Ya Allah, forgive my sins.

May they be big or small, for the sake of your Prophet, and for the sake of his Companions, and for the sake of all Saints. And You, Allah, make my dead heart alive with your zikr, with your remembrance, with your love, with your fear, and make me die upon Islam and Iman.

And give me strength and power to follow the tradition of our Prophet Sallallah o Alaihe Wassallam, qaulan wa failan, yaani, in word and deed.

I have entered you in Tareeqah of Hazrat-e-Sheikh Razi Allah-o Ta’alah Anho, and name of Hazrat-e-Sheikh Razi Allah-o Ta’alah Anho is Syed Haji Maulana Muhammad Mujtaba Khan Razi Allah-o-Ta’alah Anho. Tareeqah of Hazrat-e-Sheikh is Naqshbandi, Qadri, Chishti, Sohrwardi, Shazlia, Kubrwiya, Madaariya, Qalandriya.

Allah o Subhana’wa Ta’alah may accept you in Tareeqat and, may make you and myself and all our brothers reach the goal and object which is none, nothing else but Allah o Subhana’wa Ta’alah.

Salay Alaa RasoolAllah……

Laa ilaa ha illallah……

…So, and here in the heart. In the breast there are five Latifahs, which brother Muhammad Yousaf will tell you afterwards, understand? But this is the heart, for which the Prophet Sallallah o alaihe wassallam has said that what I told you. Understand?

Here you think, only think, let your breath go from your nose, so that you should not feel any difficulty.   Think in your heart, that your heart says Allah-Allah-Allah. Understand? Shut up your eyes, shut up your eyes brother, yours, shut up your eyes all of you. We sit in the zikr for a few minutes just now. Shut up your eyes….

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