10 The Way to do Zikr Meditation taught by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani 078
10 The Way to do Zikr Meditation taught by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

The way to do Zikr e Khafi bil Qalb, of Allah SWT (the silent Meditation, and remembrance in your heart, of God The Almighty) with the hope to meet Allah, as taught by the Ascended Grand High Master and Spiritual Guide, Sartaj ul Awlia Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT.

The following is a transcript of the audio:

(May Allah forgive the transcriber if there may be any mistakes in the transcription. Ameen).

Sartaj ul Awlia Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT is saying;

“Dear brothers, this, I think these few words are, at this time sufficient, now we will sit in zikr, and sit in zikr, and sit in zikr just as I told you, to shut up your eyes, you shut up your eyes, shut up your mouth, and let your breath go from the nose so that you may not have any difficulty in breathing and then think that your heart says “Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah”, and you should know that is light of Allah Subhana Hu Ta’aala, Noor of Allah Subhana Hu ta’aala, which is present at every place at, at every, everything, also is present here, but we can not see, we are as if drowned in that Noor, because every Muslim knows that there is no place where Allah Subhana Hu Ta’aala is not present, it is not an unreal thing. So we should think that Noor of Allah Subhana Hu Ta’aala is present, and we are, as if, drowned in that, and our hearts say “Allah, Allah, Allah”, and wants to meet Allah Subhana Hu Ta’aala, wants to be drowned in that Noor, in a way that it should not be known to anybody, only Allah Subhana Hu Ta’aala remains there. We should make zikr in this way. Now shut up your eyes, shut up your mouth, let the breath go from your nose, and think that your heart makes “Allah, Allah”, and makes “Allah, Allah” to meet Him, to forget everything else because Allah Subhana Hu Ta’aala says that (paraphrasing) fazkur Allah ha zikran katheera la’al la kum tuflihoon, you make My zikr but you make My zikr more and more, and how you should make zikr? He says in His Holy Quran “wazkur isma Rabika, wa tabatal illayhi tabteela”, you make My zikr, make zikr of My Isam, My Name, in a way that you cut off all other connections, and you only remember Me, you take out all the wisawis, wiswisas from your quloob, from your hearts, and think about Me alone. That is the way that you would reach —-.”

One Reply to “10 The Way to do Zikr Meditation taught by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT”

  1. Rukhsana hameed

    When Hazrat speaks we are drowned in the Noor of his voice. May that becomes the means of feeling the Noor of Allah and doing zikar as told by Hazrat sahib.


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