08 A Beautiful Dua
Hazrat Manzoor Hussain’s (RT) answer to a question that what should we ask in dua.
Bringing Light To The World
Hazrat Manzoor Hussain’s (RT) answer to a question that what should we ask in dua.
Hazrat Manzoor Hussain’s RT important instruction regarding the significance of humility in Tasawwuf.
A very important letter of guidance and instructions (Naseehat) by Hazrat Sahib RT for ALL the mureeds
Dated: 1975
(3 Pages Inside)
Hazrat Manzoor Hussain RT. has been elevated and has ascended to undefinable spiritual ranks and stations, bearing unique titles, and Having attained all that, his level of humility was unparalleled in modern human experience, specially when it came to his own spiritual ranks and titles. It would be a miracle to ever even hear him talk about them.
A short description of Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT’s physical attributes and personality traits:
Observations and impressions of an ordinary naqis mureed and certain habits of Hazrat Sahib, his Iteba-e-Sunnah of The Prophet PBUH and his boundless love for all…
A short description of Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT’s physical attributes and personality traits:
Observations and impressions of an ordinary naqis mureed and Hazrat Sahib’s extraordinary love for his disciples…
Language: English and Urdu.
A very powerful and special Dua in Persian to Allah by Hazrat Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT.
Urdu translation by Hazrat Sahib RT:
ے میرے اللہ میں عاجز ہوں اور تیرے فضل کا امیدوار ہوں تو میرے حال کو خود جانتا ہے میں نے آپ کے سامنے کیا عرض کرنی ھے
English Translation:
O my Allah! I am humble and craving for your attention & bounty. Thou knows all my needs & condition. what to request before you !
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