65 Hazrat Sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) on the importance of constantly making Dua (supplication) to Allah Subhana Hu’ Taa’ala
English translation in the post.
Bringing Light To The World
English translation in the post.
Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RT gicing a very important advice regarding the adaab of making dua and what to pray for.
English translation in the post.
Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RT gicing a very important advice regarding the adaab of making dua and what to pray for.
English translation in the post.
A special dua consisting of Asma-e-Mubarak of Allah Subhana Hu Taal’a in Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain’s (RT) own handwriting.
A special dua given by Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT).
A beautiful dua in Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain’s RT voice.
A very powerful and special Dua in Persian to Allah by Hazrat Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT.
Urdu translation by Hazrat Sahib RT:
ے میرے اللہ میں عاجز ہوں اور تیرے فضل کا امیدوار ہوں تو میرے حال کو خود جانتا ہے میں نے آپ کے سامنے کیا عرض کرنی ھے
English Translation:
O my Allah! I am humble and craving for your attention & bounty. Thou knows all my needs & condition. what to request before you !
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