44 The Five Latifas of the Alam Al Amr, The first five asbaqs of Silsila Naqshbandia Mujaddidiya as given by Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)

The First Five Asbaqs (‘Lataifs’: Subtleties of Spiritual Ascension, Zikr e Allah) of Silsila Naqshbandia Mujaddidiya.

48 Types of Prophets and Awlia-H Mujadid Alf Sani-Naqshbandi Sulook-Lataif-a Talk by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi MaDaNi RT

43 Allahs Fazal with Zikr-Diwan al Awlia-Alam al Arwah-Hz Qibla rt visits-Samawat and Makamat of Awlia visit-Prophet PBUH Hajj e Akbar-Stories by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain RT

Language: Urdu.

36 Khilafat transfer-Humility of Sheikh-Baba Farid-Ways to Allah-Stories and Teachings by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

04 Purification of the Heart and Different Lataif-A Talk by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

A talk by Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani Sahib RT. on the Purification of the Heart and Different Lataif.

02 Salooks and Asbaqs in Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)’s writing

Different basic Salooks and Asbaqs (lessons) only until Wilayat e Sughra (the minor Sainthood) of the Tareeqa Aliya Naqshbandia Mujadadiya Sufi Order explained in detail by Hazrat Sheikh Syed Haji Maulana Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT) in his own hand-writing in 13 pages.