65 Hazrat Sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) on the importance of constantly making Dua (supplication) to Allah Subhana Hu’ Taa’ala

English translation in the post.

61 Hazrat Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) on Raza-e-Ilahi and annihilation of self

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RA narrating a very important incident of his Sheikh Hazrat Syed Haji Muhammad Mujtaba Khan (RA) .
English translation in the post.

27 the only way to reach Allah Subhana Hu Taa’la is through His Love and His Obedience

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RT explaining how one can reach Allah Subhana Hu Taa’la.
Urdu translation in the post.

26 Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain Rt explaining that the Object of the Lover is to Please his Beloved (ALlah Subhana Hu Taa’la)

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain RT explaining that the real object of the lover is to please His Beloved (Allah SWT).
Urdu translation in the video.