68 Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain’s (RT) saying on Allah’s Fazal (blessing) and Kinds of Wilayat

A saying of Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) on Allah’s fazal in his own voice, followed by Urdu translation.

63 Hazrat Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT)’S very important Lesson regarding the Knowledge and Status (Darjaat Spiritual Ranks) of a person

English translation in the post.

60 An Excerpt from a talk of Hazrat Syed Manzoor hussain (RT) on the definition of a perfect man

Excerpt from a talk by Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) on perfection.
حضرت شیخ سید منظور حسین رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے آڈیو کا اردو ترجمہ (انگریزی کے بعد)-

59 Hazrat Syed MAnzoor Hussain RT explaining the importance of sitting in the company of a ‘Kamil Wali’ (Perfect Saint)

A Beautiful explanation by Hazrat-e-Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain RT on the importance and benefit of sitting in the company of a Perfect Saint. Urdu translation in the post.

54 A Special Dua by HAzrat-e-Sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) in his own handwriting in Arabic to be recited for all purposes

A special dua by Hazrat-e-Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain RT for all purposes. English and Urdu translations in the post.

51 Hazrat Syed MAnzoor Hussain RT on the Honour and Status of the knowledge of Sardar-ul-anbiya Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ- a detailed discussion

Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain’s (RT) beautiful explanation on the honour and status of the knowledge of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. English translation in the post.

45 A talk by Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT) on the perfection of prayer

Excerpts from a talk by Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT) on the perfection of prayer through purification of the heart by Zikr-e-Allah.

44 The Five Latifas of the Alam Al Amr, The first five asbaqs of Silsila Naqshbandia Mujaddidiya as given by Hazrat Syed Manzoor Hussain (RT)

The First Five Asbaqs (‘Lataifs’: Subtleties of Spiritual Ascension, Zikr e Allah) of Silsila Naqshbandia Mujaddidiya.

37 A Conversation between Hazrat sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) and King Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia about Aulias (Friends of ) Allah Taala in the Ummah (followers) of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) (English Translation)

English translation of the conversation between Hazrat Syed MAnzoor Hussain RT and King Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia about Aulia Allah.

36 A Conversation between Hazrat sheikh Syed MAnzoor Hussain (RT) and King Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia about Aulias (Friends of ) Allah Taala in the Ummah (followers) of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) (URDU Version)

48 Types of Prophets and Awlia-H Mujadid Alf Sani-Naqshbandi Sulook-Lataif-a Talk by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi MaDaNi RT

Shajra Mubarak of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain RT

The Shajra Tree of the Tareeqah Mubarak of Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain RT’s Silsila Chain

The Shajra Tree Mubarak of Sartaj ul Awlia e Kamileen, (The King Emperor of the Perfected Friends/Saints of Allah), Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT)’s Silsila Mubarak (The Ascended Grand High Masters of THE Platinum and Diamond Chain) starting from The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) till Hazrat Sheikh Syed Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani (RT).

45 The Secrets of the Company Sohbat e Awlia-Tajaliat of Allah SWT-Hadith on Awlia-a Talk by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

44 Following the Shariat Tradition of The Prophet PBUH-an Example of Awlia-a Talk by Hazrat Manzoor Hussain Sindhi Madani RT

Remastered: Background noise reduced.